Dear Parishioners,
If there is one thing I have
learned over the years, it is not to believe immediately everything that I am told I must unquestioningly believe.
Deep down, I am a skeptic and, perhaps, even a cynic when it comes to many
things. Maybe I have been burned too
often in the past, trusting those who swore they were telling me the truth, who
were claiming to do what was in my best interest or who wielded some position
of authority and expected me to follow blindly like some obedient sheeple.
Sorry, it ain’t happening! Fool me once . . . .
This is especially true regarding
two particular groups: the media and politics. Let me give you an
example or two. For years I attended the
March for Life in Washington,
DC. I would watch the people come out in
droves, often braving some bitter weather conditions. The young people were typically present in
large number. However, when I read about
it in the press—when newspapers were still somewhat popular—the matter was
inevitably grossly underreported. The same was true on TV. Often a small fringe oppositional group, also
present but in insignificant numbers, received similar attention to the larger
crowd. This seemed to follow a pattern,
dictated by the particular ideology which, I suspect, suited the will of the media
overlords. My recent comments on the truckers in Canada and the manner that
situation was reported is another prime example.
Politicians seem to lie by
nature, and then stare you in the face and swear they were not. Did
they take a bribe? Was there insider
trading? Were there some backroom deals
made? Was there covert activity of which
the public was deliberately kept in the dark?
Politicians (and their many useful idiots in the media) tell you
what they want you to believe, and then gaslight
you about the entire situation to make you question your own judgment. Look closely and you will find multiple examples
of lies and cover-ups. Watergate. Iran-Contra. Fast and Furious. Monica. Epstein. Hunter. Nothing
to see here.
I (naively) wish that the press
would simply do their job, hold government officials accountable, not espouse
some particular ideology and not continually carry water for a particular political
All this being said, when it
comes to our current situation in Ukraine,
let me state emphatically that I support, care for and pray for the innocent Ukrainian (and Russian) people
caught in the midst of this tragedy.
Regarding government motives, policies, and actions, however, I am
completely skeptical. This conflict is
making some pretty unusual bedfellows and I am left wondering about too many
things. And I am not alone in my
What are the underlying factors to this conflict we are not
being told? Why would we ever consider making deals with terrorist or
adversarial regimes to buy oil, when we were energy independent just about a year
ago? Will our government’s actions crash
our own economy? Will this conflict lead
to a destabilized dollar? Are we risking
Pardon me if I do not trust some
of the confusion and apparent incompetency I now see in real time.
May I once again advocate praying
the rosary for world peace? Our Lady has asked for this repeatedly.
Fr. Ed Namiotka
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