Ah! Those who call
evil good, and good evil, who change darkness to light, and light into
darkness, who change bitter to sweet, and sweet into bitter! (Is. 5: 20)
Dear Parishioners,
I will be glad when this election season is over. I am tired—exhausted—with all of the lies, the confusion,
the visceral attacks, the compromised candidates, etc. that seem to be ever
more present with each election. I will state for the thousandth time that I am
an independent voter—neither democrat nor republican. I have never registered with or contributed to either party. My soul belongs to Jesus Christ and to Him alone, not any political party. Period.
With this being clearly stated, there is something diabolical
going on once again. What is an intrinsic evil is continually being portrayed
as a good on many fronts, but especially when it comes to the lives of the
innocent children in the womb. There is
no “right” to take an innocent human life in the womb. If a civil law
permits such, it is an unjust law and needs to be changed. Whether it is by
chemical or surgical means, by a pill or a suction machine, the willful destruction of
the innocent baby in the womb—euphemized as the “termination of a pregnancy”—is
immoral in the sight of God. It is against Divine Law and natural law.
Yes, Roe v. Wade
was overturned by the U.S. Supreme Court. The decision gave the situation back
to each state to decide for itself—for better or for worse. The diabolical litmus test for political candidates is
whether they support the “right to choose.” Let’s finish the sentence here. The
right to choose . . . what? Rape? Murder?
Terrorism? Theft? Abortion? There is an object of any choice. We choose
something. We can use our God-given intelligence to see that we indeed have the
ability to make free choices. However, choices have consequences for the
person choosing and for others impacted by the choice itself.
The baby in the womb had no choice, either to be conceived or
to be killed. He or she is innocent. He or she is a person in the image and
likeness of God. Termination of this person is being portrayed as a good, in some twisted, diabolical
corruption of the thought process. In reality, it is not. A baby is dead. A
potential life with all of its possibilities is gone.
Something very telling happened at one of the political
rallies recently. As one of the presidential candidates was speaking emphatically
about this right to choose, two
college-aged Christian students peacefully shouted out, Jesus is Lord and Christ
is King. The democratic candidate responded, “Oh, you guys are at the
wrong rally . . . no, I think you were meant to go to the smaller one down the
street.” She was referring to the republican rally taking place at the same
time in another location. This was certainly an eye opening statement for many
people as the two students were subsequently escorted from the building.
Is Jesus Lord of your life? Is Christ the King of the
Universe? Do the lives of the unborn matter or are they merely disposable? Is
marriage between a man and a woman? Did God make us male and female? Are we
willing to ask some fundamental questions about God, faith, morality, society, government, etc.?
Asking these questions is not hate speech, but rather
a call to make a decision about the
future of our own family and our nation. Our decisions, our choices, will ultimately determine our path towards or away
from God’s plan for humanity. Are we with Jesus or against Him? While Election Day is one
decision process we can and should participate in, there is much more at stake
than what meets the eye. There is a battle both for the soul of our country and
for our individual souls. Choices matter.
Fr. Ed Namiotka