Dear Parishioners,
Years ago (in 1985), when I
was still attending the seminary, Fr.
Benedict Groeschel, CFR wrote a book entitled: The Courage to be Chaste. As with all of Fr. Groeschel’s books, I
highly recommend this one.
Chastity simply means being sexually
pure according to one’s state in life.
For a single, unmarried person, it means refraining from all sexual
activity (if and until one chooses to marry). For married persons, it means to be faithful
and exclusive in all sexual activity with one’s spouse. For Catholic priests or religious, it means
that we ordinarily remain celibate
(promising not to marry) and thus are called to live purely, in a type of consecrated,
single life dedicated to God.
I sincerely think that most
people who have walked this earth have struggled at one time or another with
being chaste. After all, a normal, healthy person has a sex drive which urges us to “be fertile
and multiply” (Gn. 1:28) as the bible states.
As we understand this drive to have its
origin in God, it is good and
needs to be seen as such. It is when sex
is taken out of the parameters of the Christian, biblical understanding of a marriage, that it becomes problematic
and, in fact, sinful.
As long as we live in a
sexually charged society, where pornography
is as easily accessible as turning on a computer, TV or even using a phone,
where traditional sexual morals are seen as passé, where abuse and lack of
regard for human life has had our popes warning us about a “culture of death,”
where the breakdown of the traditional family is so evident, where
contraceptives are as easily available as buying candy at the convenience
store, we are going to continue to have
problems—severe problems. Sadly, I think it’s inevitable.
Sexual abuse in any form should
never be tolerated. No one is
above God’s moral laws. Although there
is usually shame and fear by those who are abused, they should seek the proper
help and counsel and realize that they are victims
in the situation.
In the meantime, we all have to work at being
sexually pure and chaste.
The process is aided by a good prayer life and personal
relationship with God, by seeking spiritual direction, forgiveness and
counsel—especially in the Sacrament of Penance, by the
frequent reception of Holy Communion, by channeling our
energies into good, healthy activities (like exercise or sports), by avoiding
the occasions of sin (for example, don’t
surf the web or the TV channels for porn,
don’t frequent bars looking to find “love”), etc., etc. With the intercession of the Blessed
Virgin Mary, pure and chaste, it is
possible to live a chaste life in today’s world. It won’t be easy, but it will be possible.
We all need the courage (with
God’s grace) to be chaste.
Fr. Ed Namiotka