The thoughts and writings of Fr. Ed Namiotka as taken from his weekly parish bulletin columns.
Monday, January 31, 2022
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Technology and Social Media
you have lived long enough you can surely remember black and white TV’s, rabbit
ears, and the three major channels/networks
(with their test patterns when they
went off the air). I vividly recall as a
child being invited to watch the Saturday morning cartoons in color for the first time at my friend’s home. What a
difference color made! My family did
not have a phone in the tiny house that we rented. Unthinkable
today! I was trained to type on a
manual typewriter in high school. I
remember playing Atari’s Pong on the
TV and the green screen of the Apple II computer that I initially used
at school. I’ve been through vinyl
records (331/3, 45 and 78 RPM speeds), 8-track
tapes, cassette tapes and CD’s before the dawn of digital music downloads. As time progressed, I even purchased a bag phone for my car—something that slightly
resembled the old military phones that you might see in the movies. I was moving right along with the latest gadgets
and trends!
I have seen technology progress at such a rapid pace that I can hardly keep
up. Windows, Google, Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, Skype, LinkedIn, YouTube, Rumble, GETTR, Telegram and so many other terms have been
added to our vocabulary, reflecting the ever-growing pace of technology and social media. Is the end result of all this good?
Here are some
of my observations:
· People drive in
the car while using the phone all too often.
While we are supposed to be hands-free, frequently we are not. The multiple signs about texting while driving and distracted driving warn us concerning the
sometimes tragic result of this practice.
People have even walked into traffic,
into inanimate objects or other people while texting or using
their smartphones.
· Phones now ring
in inappropriate places and usually at the wrong time—in church, in classrooms,
in the theater, while dining, etc.
Hearing the theme from Rocky,
Tubular Bells (from the Exorcist)
or Welcome to the Jungle (from Guns N’ Roses) doesn’t particularly appeal
to me when I am trying to preach my homily, raise the sacred host at the consecration,
or conduct a funeral.
· Too many people
no longer know how to hold an intelligent conversation, look at someone in the
eyes when speaking and exhibit proper social etiquette/behavior. Some of this seems to be the fault of being addicted
to the smartphone or other devices. Can we possibly go into a restaurant and not
see a table with multiple people all on their devices at the same time? Has a notepad
or electronic game become a cheap and effective way of keeping the kids busy
and quiet?
· We need firewalls
and other protections to keep us from identity theft. We need filters to keep pornography and
graphic violence from reaching our children’s eyes, minds and souls. We might know of people who have had
inappropriate relationships and affairs start online. We probably have seen the
TV series focusing on child predators and the internet, not to mention how
every type of sexual perversion imaginable can now be found somewhere online. We hear of terrorists being radicalized on
the internet. We now have the possibility
of more widely spread false news stories
distorting the truth, ruining reputations and creating confusion in many people’s
minds. And, there is much censorship being implemented, especially if you do not agree with a particular ideology or narrative.
am certainly aware of the various good things that we now have instantly at our
fingertips because of technology. I can
access information just about anyone and anything. I can also disseminate information quickly
and to many people. I
can speak to, while seeing, people
around the world. However, the
internet is like travelling to places abroad—some destinations are relatively
safe while others are not. In fact, some
places are outright dangerous.
The internet does not seem to be going away anytime soon. In fact, I receive e-mail from the monastery of the Trappist Monks
where I frequently go on retreat. They
occasionally advertise the things that they sell in their bakery by e-mail and
on their website. Knowing that our technology
has even invaded the solitude of the Trappist Monks, I put up my white flag. Gone are the days fantasizing about joining a monastery to escape the world!
With regards to all of this evolving technology, for me, at least, the jury is still out.
With regards to all of this evolving technology, for me, at least, the jury is still out.
Fr. Ed Namiotka
Sunday, January 23, 2022
Tuesday, January 18, 2022
But It’s Just So Ordinary!
Dear Parishioners,
We are back to the time of the Church year that is known as Ordinary Time. Sounds so boring to our fast-paced society, doesn’t it? Many people seek the spectacular (entertainment), the exciting (vacations, travel), that which stands out and draws attention to ourselves (hair styles, fashion, tattoos, piercings), anything not quite so mundane.
But when we get right down to it, much of our day and our lives involves a basic routine: get up, brush the teeth, shower, have a cup of coffee, go to work, eat three (or more) meals during the day, sleep, etc., etc. Repeat daily. Repeat weekly. Repeat monthly. Repeat annually.
In the course of this routine, is there time set aside for God? Where in the daily or weekly schedule is there time for prayer, spiritual growth and the other-worldly—time for God? Ordinary time in the Church is a good reminder for us that not every time or season is special (like Advent/Christmas or Lent/Easter) but can be simply ordinary. And it is often in the ordinary things of life that we can find God.
Recall the passage from the Scriptures:
At the mountain of God, Horeb,
Elijah came to a cave where he took shelter.
Then the LORD said to him,
"Go outside and stand on the mountain before the LORD;
the LORD will be passing by."
A strong and heavy wind was rending the mountains
and crushing rocks before the LORD--
but the LORD was not in the wind.
After the wind there was an earthquake--
but the LORD was not in the earthquake.
After the earthquake there was fire--
but the LORD was not in the fire.
After the fire there was a tiny whispering sound.
When he heard this,
Elijah hid his face in his cloak
and went and stood at the entrance of the cave. (1 Kings 19: 9a, 11-13a)
Elijah came to a cave where he took shelter.
Then the LORD said to him,
"Go outside and stand on the mountain before the LORD;
the LORD will be passing by."
A strong and heavy wind was rending the mountains
and crushing rocks before the LORD--
but the LORD was not in the wind.
After the wind there was an earthquake--
but the LORD was not in the earthquake.
After the earthquake there was fire--
but the LORD was not in the fire.
After the fire there was a tiny whispering sound.
When he heard this,
Elijah hid his face in his cloak
and went and stood at the entrance of the cave. (1 Kings 19: 9a, 11-13a)
God was not in the heavy wind, the earthquake or the fire—the spectacular, the exciting or the extraordinary. He was, however, found in the ordinary—the tiny whispering sound.
God’s presence may be discovered regularly in a child’s smile, in the beauty of nature, in a simple act of kindness or in the depths of our hearts. He is found in a married couple’s love, in those who care for the sick or suffering, or in those willing to forgive after being wronged.
For believers, we find Jesus, the Son of God in an ordinary piece of bread and some wine consecrated into His Body and Blood. He is found where two or three ordinary people gather in His Name in prayer. He is present in the Sacraments, in the Sacred Scriptures, in His Mystical Body—the Church, and in the Ordained Priest acting in His Person.
Even though things in this world may be ordinary, it doesn’t mean that God can’t use them or reveal his presence through them. Nothing ordinary about that!
Fr. Ed Namiotka
Green Vestments (worn during Ordinay Time)
Tuesday, January 11, 2022
Marriage: A Covenant of Love and Life
Dear Parishioners,
When I began writing this bulletin column many years ago, my intention was to take my pastoral responsibility to preach and to teach seriously. Hopefully, I can continue to shed some insight on particular topics in a simple, straightforward manner. I realize, of course, that that the final authority on all Church matters is the magisterium or teaching authority of the Church (essentially the pope united with his bishops). I try to be completely faithful to Sacred Scripture and to our over 2000 years of Church teaching and Sacred Tradition.
I think that Catholics need to be kept up-to-date on various matters concerning our faith and morality. One such hot button issue today is the definition of marriage. I have used the following working definition of marriage in the past in my high school classroom: Marriage is a covenant of love and of life, made by a man and a woman, that is permanent, exclusive and open to the possibility of children. Allow me to take this definition apart:
1. By saying that marriage is a covenant, it means that this pact or agreement goes beyond a legal contract mentality because God is involved in the process. Besides the priest (or deacon) and congregation, the vows exchanged in a marriage ceremony by the couple have God as a witness. The couple comes before God freely to promise their lives to each other. There is an exchange of persons. The couple should be aware of God’s presence in this process. For Catholics, the ordinary place where this sacred covenant is made is in a church building (a sacred consecrated place) rather than some other secular place.
2. The covenant is between one man and one woman. The Church, following Christ’s instruction (see Mt. 19: 4-6), teaches that this covenant is between a monogamous, opposite sex couple. Directly stated, multiple partners and same sex partners are not part of God’s plan for marriage. Multiple partners go beyond the Scriptural “two shall become one flesh” experience. Same sex partners, while they may have love for each other, cannot reproduce with each other through any genital expression of their love. This is a disordered activity that may be pleasurable to them but it is definitely not life giving. Any homosexual genital act is always sterile.
3. Marriage is permanent—“until death do us part.” Part of the marriage vow includes the couple’s promise to each other to remain with each other “all the days of my life.” The Church holds couples to this promise.
4. Marriage is exclusive meaning that there should be no infidelity or adultery. Monogamy is expressed in a “two shall become one flesh” experience.
5. Finally, marriage needs to be open to children. The contraceptive mentality in our culture tries to separate the love making act from any life giving possibility. It takes God’s design for human sexuality and tries to re-establish it as a pleasurable, sterile act. God gives the married couple the possibility of creating new life—a new human being with an immortal soul—and eliminating this possibility directly through artificial contraception is seen as immoral.
As the traditional definition of marriage is continually under the threat of being redefined, we need to understand the many implications of such an attempted change.
Fr. Ed Namiotka
Monday, January 10, 2022
Tuesday, January 4, 2022
Baptism of the Lord
Dear Parishioners,
If the Lord Jesus was without sin, why would He ever need to be
baptized by John the Baptist?
The most direct answer to this
question is that Jesus did not need
to be baptized. So then, why did it
happen? Let’s first look at what the Catechism of the Catholic Church says on the topic:
Our Lord voluntarily submitted himself to the baptism of St. John,
intended for sinners, in order to "fulfill all righteousness." Jesus' gesture is a manifestation of his self-emptying. The Spirit who had hovered over the waters of
the first creation descended then on the Christ as a prelude of the new
creation, and the Father revealed Jesus as his "beloved Son." #1224
One way to think of Jesus’
baptism was that it is an anticipation of what He would do for us later on the cross.
He would take upon Himself our sinfulness. Just as He did not die on the cross for His
own sin, He did not receive the baptism of John to repent for His own
sinfulness. We might rather say that
Jesus made holy the waters of baptism
by His own baptism. In addition, His Baptism in the Jordan River, like His Epiphany as a child to the magi, was another divine manifestation of
Jesus’ true identity: “This is my
beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased.” (Mt. 3:17)
Jesus’ Baptism should make us
think about our own baptism. St. Paul’s words to the Romans are
Do you not know that all of us who have been baptized into Christ Jesus
were baptized into his death? We were buried therefore with him by baptism into
death, so that as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father,
we too might walk in newness of life. (Rom. 6:3-4)
Baptism gives us new life—eternal
life. Baptism forgives our
sinfulness—both original sin and any personal sin (once a person has reached
the age of reason and is no longer an
infant). With baptism we are adopted by God through Christ as His
children. We become temples of God’s Holy Spirit dwelling within us. God’s
own life now dwells in us—the life of sanctifying grace. We become a member of
the mystical Body of Christ, the Church, and the doorway is now open for
us to receive the other sacraments of the Church. All of these wonderful things and many other
blessings (see the Catechism of the Catholic Church #1262ff.) occur with the
simple pouring of water (or an immersion into it) combined with the
baptismal formula: I baptize you in the name of the
Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
Every time you bless yourself
with holy water, remember that this sacramental is a reminder of your baptism
into Christ Jesus who suffered and died for your salvation. I remind you to keep some in your homes.
A New Beginning for All of Us
Dear Parishioners,
It seems that when the New Year arrives people tend to come
up with various resolutions. Perhaps some
(like me) will look at the lingering spare tire around the waist and say that they are
going to exercise more. Fat chance that this noble resolution will usually last for too long! Others may
want to spend more time with family and
friends. This may last for a while
and then, typically, the hectic pace of life takes over and out of sight, out of mind. Still others seek to break a bad habit. They
attempt to quit smoking or drinking, spend less time on the internet or
watching TV, etc. This may be okay until
those moments when we’re bored, lonely, frustrated, stressed-out or tired and
we decide to light up, take a drink to relax, surf the internet or channel surf with the TV remote. What was it that they say about the road to hell being paved with good intentions?
I think that we as humans frequently desire a fresh
start. We typically regret our
transgressions and indiscretions—our sinful, selfish behaviors—and want to move
on and start anew. Some denominations of
Christians speak about being born again,
referring to Jesus and His conversation with Nicodemus (John 3: 1-21). How is it that we are able to begin again? Will a simple act of the will enable us to change?
Jesus gave us the means by which we can become a new creation (2 Cor. 5: 17). By our baptism into Christ
this relationship began. We were adopted
by God as His children. Original sin (and any actual sin if we had reached the age of reason) was forgiven. We were filled with God’s Holy Spirit and Sanctifying
Grace (God’s life) was now in us. We
were made members of the Body of Christ—the
But since that time of our baptism we sinned. Our relationship with God and others was
damaged, perhaps seriously. What do we
do now? Undoubtedly Jesus had a plan for
this as well. He told his apostles after
His Resurrection, “Whose sins you forgive are forgiven them . . . .” (John 20: 23) The Sacrament of Penance
and Reconciliation (confession)
is the means by which our post-baptismal sins are forgiven and is what can once
again restore us to the purity of our initial baptism. We are made new by the continuing action of Christ working through His Church. And it involves more than our simple
resolution to do better. God’s grace is
present to forgive, to strengthen and to heal.
We are given supernatural, Divine
Grace in our battle with sin! We are
made anew—a new creation in Christ Jesus!
If you make use of the Sacrament
of Penance and Reconciliation regularly,
then I suppose you already understand its healing effects. However, if you are one of those people who
fears the sacrament, has convinced yourself that you can go directly to God, has had a bad experience in the past and never
went back, is carrying a burden around that just doesn’t seem to go away no
matter what I do or is simply seeking a way to begin again, why not give confession
a try? What is needed is a contrite heart
and sorrow for any sins committed, a determination to try to avoid sin in the
future, and faith in Jesus Christ that He can forgive my sins through the
instrument of the priest.
Regular confession will do more for the body, mind and soul
than any other soon-to-be-broken
resolution. Its supernatural healing
effects are far beyond what we can possibly do alone. As one who has sought out and frequented this
sacrament for most of my life, I can attest to its divine healing power. I realize that I am far from perfect and that
in my struggle with sin I have a divinely instituted means of experiencing
God’s ongoing forgiveness, mercy and healing in my life.
Fr. Ed Namiotka
The Holy Family
Dear Parishioners,
Family means a great deal to me.
Spending time with my mom, my brothers and sister and their families, especially around the holidays, is a special
gift to me.
I realize that no family is perfect. We all have to deal
with particular family issues and circumstances, varying problems and
challenges, diverse personalities, etc. Yet, all of this is accompanied by multiple blessings.
Sometimes I think that certain people tend to idealize the Holy Family and forget the many difficulties and hardships that Jesus, Mary and Joseph had to
endure. We read in the Sacred Scriptures
that Mary was found with child before living with Joseph. He was initially
going to divorce her quietly. (Mt. 1: 18-19) Then, there was no place for Jesus to be born
in the lodgings of Bethlehem after Joseph and Mary (now in the final stage of
her pregnancy) had travelled considerable distance. (Lk. 2: 4-7) As an infant, Jesus’ life was threatened by
King Herod and His parents had to flee with Him to Egypt. (Mt. 2: 13-18) Joseph and Mary seemingly lost—could not immediately find—the boy Jesus during
their pilgrimage to Jerusalem. (Lk. 2: 41-51)
Mary later witnessed her only Son tortured and killed in front of her
eyes. (Jn. 19: 25)
These were not quite
the circumstances of a perfect, ideal life, were
Yet, through it all, Jesus, Mary and Joseph had each other and were bound together by
mutual love and respect. They all
greatly loved and trusted God, our Heavenly Father, and were obedient to His
will as it was revealed and unfolded for them.
Today, problems within the family unit continue to exist—at a
somewhat grand scale and pace. Various
people question, with some even wanting to redefine,
the traditional understanding of “family.”
Family life as we once knew it in society seems to be eroding.
I contend that we need to look at the Sacred Scriptures to see what they teach us (albeit ever so
briefly) about the family life experienced by the Holy Family. Their obvious trust
in God in difficult circumstances, their obedience to His will, and their
fidelity to God and to one another are great examples for us all to follow.
Pray to the Holy
Family. Consecrate your families to the care of the Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Pray that our families be blessed and protected
from the many threats that try to destroy them.
Pray fervently for the grace to
know and to do God’s will.
And pray that our families will one
day join the Heavenly Family that awaits us—united with Jesus, Mary and Joseph.
Fr. Ed Namiotka
Sunday, January 2, 2022
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