have been involved with Worldwide Marriage Encounter for well over to
35 years. (To see exactly how a celibate priest like me fits
into this community, you will just have to make a Marriage Encounter weekend!)
The Marriage Encounter community has shaped me as a person and has
helped to direct my priesthood and the ministry flowing from it. I have learned
(and am still learning) many valuable lessons to apply to myself and my
relationship with others as a result of my many years of participation.
example, one simple lesson is as follows: We can sometimes take
people for granted. Those around us every day—whether they are family,
co-workers or friends—can unfortunately get lost in the busyness or shuffle of
everyday living. We can occasionally assume that others know how we feel
about them. We neglect to tell them that we “love” them, that
we care for them or that we appreciate them. As a
consequence, people can get hurt—albeit sometimes unintentionally.
can we do to try to avoid this from happening? Take the time to tell
your husband or wife that you love him or her. Embrace
your children and let them see how much you love them
by spending time with them and by telling
them that they mean the world to you. Compliment
a co-worker. Call a friend and tell him or her how much you
appreciate his or her friendship. Don’t take people, especially
your spouse, for granted!
can apply this thinking also to our relationship with God:
tell Jesus how much you love Him, His Father and
their Holy Spirit. We should try never to let a day pass
where we fail to acknowledge the presence of God in our lives!
another important note, the second Sunday of February (last Sunday) is annually
designated as World Marriage Day (having
been established by Worldwide Marriage Encounter). In 1983, this day
was “designated as a day to honor the husband and wife as head of the family,
the basic unit of society. It salutes the beauty of their faithfulness,
sacrifice and joy in daily married life.”
the traditional definition of marriage is challenged, and there are
increasing attempts to redefine it, go back to the teaching of Jesus
in the Sacred Scriptures as a point of reference:
said . . . “Have you not read that from the beginning the Creator ‘made them
male and female’ and said, ‘For this reason a man shall leave his father and
mother and be joined to his wife, and the two shall become one flesh’? So
they are no longer two, but one flesh. Therefore, what God has joined
together, no human being must separate. (Mt. 19: 4-6)
is sacred. It is one of the seven sacraments of our Catholic
Church. As something divinely instituted, it needs to be
respected and defended.
since theologically, I share
the same bride as Christ as His priest (i.e.,
the Church) I want to make sure
that I heed my own advice and not neglect my spouse! I hope that I
never forget to tell you this: I
love you, my parishioners, my spouse! I also hope
that I never neglect you or take you for granted!
Fr. Ed