Dear Parishioners,
I was having dinner recently with a family that I knew from a
previous assignment. I related to them
that I write a column each week for my parish.
They suggested that I develop this week’s topic: sitting
around the dinner table together (and
all of its implications).
There was a time when the family meal in many homes was a sacred time. It was where and when the family would not
only eat
together, but also share what
was happening in their lives (“What
did you do today?” or “What happened in
school today?”), learn some basis
communication skills, (say “please”
and “thank you” and “Wait until your brother/sister is finished
speaking before you talk”), pray
together (grace before and after meals
minimally), and simply spend quality time
with each other. Often, Sunday
meals were a time with the extended family and friends.
Things have certainly changed! Today there are frequently split shifts in the home where a meal is
from the microwave oven or the nearby
fast-food establishment, children
(and even some adults) sit around the
table playing their hand-held games, listening to their iPods, talking or texting
on their smart phones, the flat
screen TV might be on in the background, and there is little or no actual quality conversation taking place. Social
skills and person to person
communication now give way to all forms of social networking.
Technology can be a wonderful thing, but not
when it takes the place of the necessary interactions with the human person. (We have all had the frustrating experience
of the automated telephone response
when wanting to speak to an actual human being!)
The bottom line is: communication
skills and the art of conversation have become lost arts! (Try getting some young persons to look you in the eyes and say “hello.” It can be a
frustrating experience at times.)
Additionally, regular family time
around the dinner table has frequently lessened or disappeared in too many
homes. There’s soccer and basketball practice, dance,
piano lessons, etc., etc., that all
suck up much family time and energy!
I even think our current life-style patterns have eroded the
time that we should spend around the Table of the Lord for the most important meal—the Mass—which
we should be attending as a family each week!
May I suggest that each family take the time to
evaluate their own situation to see if what I have said applies? If so, then why not take a few concrete steps to prioritize family time
around the dinner table? Turn
the TV’s off, put the smart phones away, have a meal together, look at each
other and talk to each other!
I feel very sad even having to write what I just did.
Ed Namiotka