"Lord, will only a few people be saved?" [Jesus] answered them, "Strive to enter through the narrow gate, for many, I tell you, will attempt to enter but will not be strong enough. . . .”
(Lk. 13: 23-24)
Fr. Ed Namiotka
Dear Parishioners,
many years this passage from Sacred Scripture has really troubled me. What if those who find the road to (eternal) life
are actually few? In this day and age
when many (most?) people are canonized
at a funeral, when society refuses to be told what to do because of a type of
unbridled freedom (actually license),
when the moral credibility of the Church has eroded to the point of collapse, and
when the most severe sin in our culture has become lack of tolerance, shouldn’t we be a wee bit concerned?
exactly constitutes the narrow gate? Bear with me as I do a bit of soul
searching. Traditionally, there have been certain sins that by their nature are considered grave matter—one of the three necessary components of mortal sin. Such sins include (but are not limited to)
murder, rape, incest, adultery, perjury, blasphemy, idolatry, sacrilege,
fornication, masturbation, euthanasia, abortion, apostasy, homosexual acts,
prostitution, et. al. Realizing also that there is the necessity of
sufficient reflection (knowledge)
and full consent of the will, people
who commit these acts risk being in a state of mortal sin. In other words, if they die unrepentant of these sins they risk
eternal damnation (the fires of hell).
let’s take a step further into other more common occurrences of potential mortal
sin. The Church has traditionally
declared that it is a mortal sin to intentionally miss Mass on Sundays and Holy
Days of Obligation. What of the
approximately 80% of Catholics who
no longer practice their faith regularly? A wide path?
Catholic Church teaches that the use of artificial birth control is a mortal
sin. Some contraceptives (types of the
“pill”) are actually abortifacient in
nature, meaning that a fertilized egg (post-conception) is prevented from
embedding itself in the mother’s womb.
Hence, a mini or microscopic abortion may have occurred. Nonetheless, those who use any artificial
birth control risk being in mortal sin.
One headline I googled while writing
this article stated boldly: Most Catholic Women in U.S. Use Birth Control.
Again, a wide path?
then do we do with the number of people who use sex recreationally and sleep with each other outside of the context of
marriage, or cohabitate outside of
marriage, or are in a second marriage “outside” of the Church (divorce and re-marriage without an annulment)?
What about homosexuals who engage in sexual activity, regardless of
whether or not they have some “committed” relationship? What about the rampant use of internet
pornography (frequently accompanied with masturbation)? Sexually active teens? Sexually active college students? Friends with benefits? If all of these people are in grave (mortal)
sin, again we seem to have a wide path here.
conclude this reflection with the scene of the final judgment in St. Matthew’s
gospel (Mt. 25:31-46). Read it when
you get a chance. In essence, the
separation of the sheep from the goats involves a condemnation to eternal
punishment for failing to do good to/for others. There is no mention here of any
of the grave sins listed above. Rather
there is damnation for what someone fails to do. Another wide path?
suggest we all be a little more hesitant before we assume that somehow we all automatically go to heaven. There is a
reason that Jesus called for repentance
and conversion. And this message is meant for all of us!
Enter through the narrow gate . . .
Enter through the narrow gate . . .
Fr. Ed Namiotka
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