Dear Parishioners,
Congratulations! Despite the fact that various people were
predicting the end of the world in 2012,
we are here beginning another New Year.
Welcome to 2013!
Each year I propose a list of
some possible New Year’s resolutions from a spiritual perspective. Hopefully they will be helpful (or at least make you think!) I recommend that you pick one or two that
you might be able to incorporate successfully into your routine for 2013.
You are, of course, free to come up with your own.
Although the following are things
that we should be doing already, some of us might need a reminder or two:
- Be faithful in Mass attendance each week
- Pray for the guidance of the Holy Spirit each day
- Read a passage from the Bible each day
- Pray daily before meals
- Go to confession monthly
- Be a good example to your children (take them to Church, teach them to pray, talk to them about God, teach them to share, be sure that they are receiving religious instruction at home, in religious education classes and/or in a Catholic school, etc.)
- Support your parish with your time, treasure and talent
For those who seek to take some additional steps, I suggest the
- Find time for a weekday Mass (over and above the Sunday obligation)
- Spend time in Eucharistic Adoration each week
- Pray a daily Rosary
- Pray for someone whom you do not like or who has hurt you
- Limit (substantially) the time spent in front of the TV or on the computer
- Visit an elderly relative, friend or neighbor on a regular basis
- Send a card or make a call to someone who has recently lost a loved one or who lives alone
- Invite someone to go to Church with you
- Call the parish priest about something that you may have been putting off and that you need to do for your spiritual benefit or growth
- Purchase and read a spiritual book from a Catholic bookstore (or online)
- Purchase and listen to some spiritual CD’s form the rack in church
- Take the time to tell the people in your life that you “love” them on a regular basis
- Make a daily effort to smile more and complain less
- Give a gift anonymously to someone (without expecting repayment or acknowledgment of any kind)
- Pray for your priests and religious—(we need all the prayers we can get!)
Happy New Year and good luck!
Fr. Ed Namiotka
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