Dear Parishioners,
Every so often, I think that it
is a good practice to look objectively at our current situation here at
the parish. I am reminded of a professor I had in college who would typically
begin class by asking two questions: Where
are we? and Where are we going? Let’s look at our parish with this in mind.
I began as pastor on July 15,
2020—three years ago. The circumstances
were not exactly ideal. I replaced Fr. Dabrowski who died here after only six
months as pastor. I also arrived with the pandemic
and all of its implications and difficulties. Now that matters have somewhat
normalized, where do we stand as a parish?
We have three weekend Masses
averaging approximately 100 people per Mass. The summer crowds are usually less
since many (including myself) take their vacations at this time. The weekly
collections vary, averaging somewhere between $5000.00 and $7000.00. Our parish
staff currently has three full-time positions (pastor, business manager,
director of lifelong faith formation) and various other part-time and volunteer
positions. This year our income did not meet our annual expenses and
approximately $80,000.00 had to be transferred from the parish savings to pay
our ordinary expenses. Needless to say, this cannot continue to happen. We
necessarily need to keep a balanced budget since no parish will survive for very
long by continually withdrawing from its reserves to pay its bills. (If you do
not do so already, would you consider some form of electronic giving so that we
can be more assured of a regular income weekly?)
The amount of children in the
religious education program is approximately fifty. First Holy Communion
classes have been less than ten and the number in the Confirmation class this
coming year is about the same. I have not had a single wedding of a parishioner here since I arrived. In
recent years, funerals have slightly outnumbered baptisms. Our daily Mass crowd,
however, is encouraging—usually from twenty to forty. A small Latino prayer
group is in its fledgling stage, being organized by Sr. Rosa Narvaez, FMIJ.
What is planned for the coming
year is a consolidation of the position of Pastoral
Associate for Lifelong Faith
Formation with Director of Religious
Education/Catechetical Leader. Additionally, the person hired for this new position
will be in charge of Evangelization
for the parish. The future position will be titled the Coordinator of Catechesis, Lifelong Faith Formation and Evangelization. In
the meantime, Sr. Rosangela Ganau,
FMIJ is temporarily assuming the former duties of Sr. Clare Sabini, FMIJ, until
the new position is filled later this year. Sr. Clare decided that it was time
for her to retire from her position as Director
of Religious Education/Catechetical Leader. We thank her for her years of
service to our parish.
I also announced at Masses last
weekend that a new priest will reside at St. Thomas More rectory with primary
duties as hospital chaplain and nursing home chaplain. Fr. Victorino Coronado will join us sometime in September (official
date to be announced).
Too often people become nostalgic for what a parish used to be like without realizing the lack of personnel and finances currently available in any given parish. Only about 20% of the parishioners attend Mass weekly, and the number is even less of those willing to volunteer, to contribute financially and to be committed to a particular parish, as in days gone by.
Fr. Ed Namiotka
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