Dear Parishioners,
Christ is Risen!
What is your reaction to this statement?
When St. Paul went to Athens and spoke to the people there, the following occurred: “When they heard about resurrection of the dead, some began to scoff, but others said, ‘We should like to hear you on this some other time.’” (Acts 17:32)
What happened on Easter Sunday is the most significant event for us as Christians. Christ rose from the dead thus declaring for us his divinity and giving us the promise and hope of eternal life. Christ conquered sin and death. He now offers us a share in His Resurrection.
So again I ask: What is your reaction?
Is it one that takes this event for granted?
Is it one of intellectual curiosity like some of the Athenians?
Is it one of doubt and confusion?
Do we scoff with unbelief like some of the Athenians? (I would then have to question your going to church today, if that is the case.)
--Or is the reaction one of belief, gratitude and hope? And if we do believe, does our belief express itself in the way we live our lives?
When we get to that point in our lives when we realize our own mortality—we are all going to die—it is our belief in the Resurrection of Christ that turns despair and grief into life and hope.
I again refer to the words of St. Paul : “. . . If Christ has not been raised, your faith is vain; you are still in your sins. Then those who have fallen asleep in Christ have perished.” (1Cor. 15:17-18)
Today we proclaim our belief in the Risen Lord.
Christ is truly Risen!
Happy Easter!
Fr. Ed Namiotka
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