It is once again that time of
year when our bishop, as spiritual leader of the Diocese of Camden, makes an appeal for our help with the various ministries
and programs of the diocese. The operation
of a diocese is very much like the
operation of a parish, only on a much
larger scale. Essentially, we—as a parish or as a diocese—can only do the things that our financial means allow. We depend on the generosity of our
parishioners to support both.
The House of Charity-Bishop's Annual Appeal has been made in the Diocese of
Camden since 1964—for 54 years now! So it should come as no surprise to any of
us. Since we know that this appeal will
be made annually, I ask that each of
our parishioners/families prepares or budgets
for it. Again, it should come as no surprise, like
an emergency collection would be after some natural disaster.
There are those among us whose
financial means allow them to make a most generous gift. I am extremely grateful for what they can
do. However, so many of our financial resources
often come from the sacrificial giving
of the average parishioner or family. Remember
the story of the widow’s mite (See Mk. 12:41-44 or Lk. 21:1-4)— the two small
copper coins—from the Gospels? Jesus
praised her sacrificial giving even
though it seemed minuscule in the eyes of many.
Let me break this situation down a
bit. If I put aside less than $20.00
per month, I could easily make a $200.00
contribution annually. Many of us
probably could do substantially more, if it were truly sacrificial giving. The
average gift within the diocese last year was about $365.00.
This weekend (February 3-4) we will show the 2018 House of Charity video at Mass, followed
by an “in pew” solicitation. Please help
us as a parish and as a diocese with this appeal. You can make an outright gift or make a pledge which can be completed over time. We ask you please to act this weekend if possible to save us time and money by having to send out additional letters
or to make additional follow-up phone calls.
Please think and pray about this appeal and I request that you make your decision and commitment as soon as possible.
There is a saying that all politics is local. Remember, when we reach this year’s goal, we will receive 10% of what
is collected for use back here in our parish. Additionally, 75% of all funds received above our parish goal is returned to our parish. This year's parish goal at Holy Angels is $170,456.49.
So, on behalf of our diocese
and our bishop, I humbly ask for your assistance with this appeal. As my parishioners, I hope you realize that I infrequently ask for money. I am generally uncomfortable with this task. However, there are many who will undoubtedly
benefit from our financial gifts and sacrifices and I appeal to your generosity
on their behalf.
Fr. Ed Namiotka
Bishop Dennis J. Sullivan
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