Dear Parishioners,
There are plenty of things to do in every parish. Ours is no exception.
When I look around I see so much potential for growth—so much that could be! We are a strong parish built upon a solid foundation and rich tradition. However, we can never remain complacent or think that we have already accomplished it all. Until we are in heaven with our Risen Lord, there is still much work to be done!
And so, I take this time now to ask for your help. I am inviting you, pleading with you, begging you, to take more ownership in the parish. There is a lot at stake! We need to labor, according to the Lord’s bidding, in order to grow spiritually ourselves. Yet, we must also consider the generations yet to come—our children and grandchildren, nieces and nephews, and those yet to be born!
We need to build up the Kingdom of God together. I use the following analogy to help illustrate my point. I see my role as pastor like the conductor of an orchestra. The more people I have playing instruments, the fuller, richer and more magnificent the sound. “I” cannot possibly play every instrument. I need you to do that. However, “I” can help to organize and coordinate the instruments so that we perform a beautiful composition together for the Lord.
Too often in the past I have heard this excuse for not getting involved: No one has ever asked me. Well, now I am asking! Can you help in some way? Yes, you—not your neighbor, your friend, your sibling, your co-worker—I am asking you! I need your help. You have some talent or gift that no one else can give because you are unique!
Here are just a few of the areas where you can help:
· Volunteer some of your skills or trade (carpentry, painting, masonry work, plumbing, electrical, etc.) to help make repairs or improvements for the good of the parish. (It would be nice to have an active Buildings and Grounds committee).
· Help teach or be an aide in the Religious Education program or R.C.I.A.
· Join the Knights of Columbus, the Altar and Rosary Society, the St. Vincent de Paul Society, etc.
· Volunteer your services to the Pastoral Council or Finance Council.
· Join the choir, volunteer to be a Reader, or to be an Extraordinary Minister of Holy Communion (and take Holy Communion to the sick/homebound), or to be an Altar Server, etc. (Volunteer to coordinate any or all of these ministries or to help on a Liturgy committee.)
· Help organize/coordinate a census of the parish.
· Volunteer to assist the pastor in some ad hoc project with which he might be having a hard time finding people to help.
· If you unable to do physical work, concentrate on being an apostle of prayer for the parish to pray for all of us!
The above list is only partial! I assure that with time I can find something for you to do for the parish and ultimately for the Lord! Just ask me!
(No applications refused! 100% guaranteed placement!)
Fr. Ed Namiotka
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