Dear Parishioners,
As I write this bulletin column, I anticipate enjoying the
annual Thanksgiving dinner with various family members at my
rectory. This will be the first Thanksgiving without my mom. This holiday was
special to her because her birthday (November 28) fell in close proximity to it
each year. This year the dates coincide.
She considered Thanksgiving her
holiday and expected everyone who could to be there.
I realize, once again, how truly blessed I am. I have three
brothers and a sister and their families, who mostly live in
close proximity. I am so fortunate to have a number of people gathered
together to share this family day and traditional meal. I will
do most of the cooking this year while some of the family will bring some
particular specialties from their own homes to the table.
As I reflect, I pity those people who would forgo time
spent with family and friends to begin to camp out or stand
in line on Black Friday in order to be early enough to get some
advertised bargain at the retail stores. Thankfully, online sales have somewhat
curtailed this practice. Nevertheless, I worry whenever we start to
put material things ahead of family, friendships and relationships.
People should certainly be more important than things, as
far as I am concerned.
Advent begins
the Sunday after Thanksgiving. I ponder once again whether or not this season
of preparation for the Birth of Christ will actually
make a difference to most people. So many people skip the intended Advent
preparation and begin celebrating Christmas. When Christmas finally
arrives, people are ready to move on to something else. Meanwhile, in the
Church, we are just beginning the celebration.
Why did we have to come up with slogans like Keep
Christ in Christmas in order to remind us of something
that should be so very obvious? I advise that we don’t waste precious time by
getting caught up in all of the materialism that the world is
concerned about and continually sells us. Rather, we should
take time for the spiritual life. After all, we as humans are
comprised of body and soul. We should make the time for Jesus
Christ and prepare for Him. Personally, I find that when my spiritual
priorities are in order and Christ is forefront in my life,
everything else mysteriously seems to fall into place. I may have to learn
this lesson over and over again, but someday I may finally get it
I attempt to do my part by keeping any Christmas
preparation in proper perspective. My annual Christmas shopping remains almost
non-existent. Unfortunately, I don’t think the economy will
be helped by my miniscule number of purchases. Perhaps, my spiritual
life might be deepened instead.
I know that the anticipation of the birth of the Christ Child still
brings hope to many lives. For those who truly try to pray, to spiritually
prepare (especially with a sacramental confession), and even to fast,
the joy that comes from readying our hearts for the coming of Jesus surpasses
any temporary, illusory pleasures that the many TV commercials may promise.
Please do your part to ready for Christ's coming during these four
weeks of Advent and attempt to forgo turning this preparatory
season into a premature Christmas celebration.
Fr. Ed Namiotka,
I so agree with you I still have Fall decorations up as I always wait until after Thanksgiving to prepare for Christmas. I remember when Christmas season was about the birth of Jesus and family gatherings that went on for the whole week between Christmas and New Year's. Give me back the old days and the true meaning of Christmas.