Inside the Basilica of the Sacred Heart, Notre Dame University
Dear Parishioners,
Last week I had the opportunity to be present at a workshop
specifically designed for pastors who have a Catholic school in their parish. The School Pastors’ Institute (SPI) was held at Notre Dame University in South Bend, Indiana. Over one hundred priests attended, four coming
from our Diocese of Camden. Our diocesan priests attended at the request
of Bishop Dennis Sullivan.
There were some exceptional speakers during the week covering
topics like the relationship of the
pastor and the principal, funding
Catholic schools, the mission and “Catholic”
identity of a Catholic school, school
tuition vouchers, multiculturalism in
the schools—just to identify some of the various issues being discussed
during the conferences.
I was particularly impressed by the two bishops presenting at
the conference: Bishop Kevin Vann of the Diocese
of Orange, California and Bishop Frank Caggiano of the Diocese of Bridgeport,
Connecticut. Both bishops showed
tremendous support for and expounded on the value of Catholic schools in our
contemporary society. By the end of the
week I was once again convinced that Catholic schools are as relevant today as when people like St. Elizabeth Ann Seton and St. John Neumann worked to establish
them earlier in the history of this nation.
Why should we support our Catholic schools—in particular, St. Joseph Regional School? Is it because of the excellent education? Is it for
the discipline? Is it because of the morals and values instilled?
Is it because of the “family” atmosphere?
Yes, and . . .
Most importantly, it is the simple fact that we, as
Catholics, are commanded to pass on our
faith in the Lord Jesus Christ. “Go, therefore, and make disciples of all
nations . . . .” (Mt. 28:
19) We need to
make disciples. A Catholic education
is an education of the whole person—body, mind and soul/spirit. We can pray and worship, teach and study the
faith, put our faith into action (service) and freely incorporate our belief in
Jesus Christ into each and every part of the educational day. We can form people to be “Christ-like.” Admittedly, no Catholic school is perfect because they involve imperfect human beings at the various
levels. However, I know of no better way
for a person/family to be formed, supported and educated in their Catholic
faith—to be made disciples—than by a Catholic school true to its mission and
While at Notre Dame,
I saw how each dorm had a chapel with the Blessed Sacrament present throughout
the academic year. A priest lives in the
dorms with the students. There is a
seminary forming future priests on campus.
All around the campus are the many reminders of everything Catholic—from the Grotto of our Lady of Lourdes (where people were constantly at
prayer), to the various religious statues, paintings and stained-glass windows,
to the magnificent basilica at the heart of the campus. (There is also the famous “Touchdown Jesus”
on the library building facing the football stadium.)
While many may follow the Fighting Irish of Notre Dame because of their renowned football team, deep down it is
the Catholic education and spiritual formation offered there and at any
Catholic school that can leave the lasting legacy on any person.
After all, our true “goal” in life is to get into heaven.
Fr. Ed Namiotka
I got to touch the Play Like a Champion
Today sign in the locker room!)
The Word of Life by Millard Sheets
Commonly referred to as "Touchdown Jesus"
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