Thursday, February 27, 2014

Helping to Build the "House of Charity"

Dear Parishioners,

I once heard it said that God can never be outdone in generosity.  I believe this is so true!  When we give from our substance, and not merely our excess, we are giving a truly sacrificial gift.  God so loved the world that He gave His only Son!  (John 3:16)  There can be no more perfect, sacrificial gift than this.  God showed us what it truly meant to give from substance.      

Within the next few weeks you should receive a letter and brochure from Bishop Sullivan regarding the 2014 House of Charity – Bishop’s Annual Appeal.  The theme this year is Unearthing the TreasureI hope you will take a few minutes to review those materials and the wonderful opportunity that a donation to this vital program will provide.

By your gift to the House of Charity, you show the many who are in great need of pastoral, charitable, educational and social ministry in our Diocese that you treasure them in Jesus’ name.  When you make a sacrificial gift to the House of Charity, you offer the treasure of hope.  You offer the treasure of God’s love.

You should be aware that here in our parish we benefit directly from this appeal.  It is the Diocese of Camden, through its House of Charity appeal, that supplies a full-time hospital chaplain to our local hospital—Shore Medical Center.  Hopefully, you are familiar with the long standing tradition of how our many chaplains have faithfully served the hospital, while also assisting at St. Joseph Church with Masses, confessions, etc.  For this reason, in addition to the many other services that are provided throughout the diocese, it is important that you consider making a donation to this appeal.

Remember too that if we make or exceed our parish goal, a percentage of the money collected comes right back to this parish for local use.

Please know that I am most grateful to you for your continued generosity to our parish, and for your willingness to consider the needs of those less fortunate in our community.  I ask you to pray for me and our community as we seek to live the Gospel and serve each other in Jesus’ name.

As we begin the season of Lent next week with Ash Wednesday (March 5, 2014), may I suggest that you reflect on the sacrificial love that Jesus offered by his passion and death.  His example of complete self-giving should inspire and motivate us to a more perfect love and charity for others.      

May God continue to bless you and your family.


Fr. Ed Namiotka


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