I find that one of the most difficult attitudes that I have
to face as a priest (and as a pastor) is either apathy or indifference. Our Catholic faith is so important to
me. I believe it and try to live it
to the best of my ability. This does not
exempt me from sinning or falling
short of the goal. However, I know that consent
of my will (a decision) is necessary—to love the
Lord with all my heart, mind, soul and strength and to love my neighbor as myself (see Mk. 12: 30-31)—followed by the daily attempt to put this into practice.
If nothing else, I keep trying. Every day is a new day. I can begin again and again.
This leads me to a quote that I read quite a while ago by the
late Venerable Archbishop Fulton J.
Since the basic cause of man’s anxiety is
the possibility of being either a saint or a sinner, it follows that there are
only two alternatives for him. Man can
either mount upward to the peak of eternity or else slip backwards to the
chasms of despair and frustration. Yet
there are many who think there is yet another alternative, namely, that of
indifference. They think that, just as
bears hibernate for a season in a state of suspended animation, so they, too,
can sleep through life without choosing to live for God or against Him. But hibernation is no escape; winter ends, and
one is then forced to make a decision—indeed, the very choice of indifference
is itself a decision. White fences do
not remain white fences by having nothing done to them; they soon become black
fences. Since there is a tendency in us
that pulls us back to the animal, the mere fact that we do not resist it
operates to our own destruction. Just as
life is the sum of forces that resist death, so, too, man’s will must be the
sum of the forces that resist frustration. A man who has taken poison into his system can
ignore the antidote, or he can throw it out the window; it makes no difference
which he does, for death is already on the march. St. Paul warns us, “How shall we escape if we
neglect so great a salvation” (Heb 2:3). By the mere fact that we do not go forward, we
go backward. There are no plains in the
spiritual life, we are either going uphill or coming down. Furthermore the pose
of indifference is only intellectual. The
will must choose. And even though an
“indifferent” soul does not positively reject the infinite, the infinite
rejects it. The talents that are unused
are taken away, and the Scriptures tell us that, “But because though art
lukewarm, and neither cold nor hot, I will begin to vomit thee out of my mouth”
(Rev. 3:16).” --Peace of Soul: Timeless Wisdom on Finding Serenity and Joy by the Century’s Acclaimed Catholic Bishop
By choosing to be Catholic,
it is essential to live out that faith. What are some practical suggestions for doing
· Every
day attempt to pray. Don’t just recite prayers. Pray from the heart. Talk and listen to God.
· Be
faithful in weekly Mass attendance. Hear the Word
of God proclaimed and preached. Receive
the Holy Eucharist. Respond to Jesus telling us: “Do this in memory of me.” (Lk. 22:19)
· Get
into the habit of monthly confession. After a month (if not sooner), I need a
sacramental confession to help me stay on the right path. Confession is my moral compass.
· Be
Christ-like and show charity to those in my family, where I
work, or where I go to school.
· Avoid
bad habits (vices) and cultivate good
ones (virtues). Do I spend too much time
watching TV or on the computer? Do I
drink or gamble excessively, or use drugs as an escape? Bad habits will ultimately become destructive
and will deteriorate, if not destroy,
the spiritual life.
· Pray
for the grace of conversion. Conversion
is a life-long process of turning away
from sin and turning toward God.
· Trust in the Lord.
Jesus loves you more than you
probably can ever imagine. He died for you and me.
Look at the crucifix. How
can I be apathetic or indifferent to that?
Fr. Ed Namiotka
Thank you for another heartfelt post, Father. I enjoy reading everything you have written. Your writings challenge me (and I'm sure many others) to be a better, more Christ-like person.