The B.V.M. Altar at St. Patrick Church
Dear Parishioners,
I have been sensing a certain restlessness in the people whom I had the opportunity to speak with
during the past couple weeks. After
about two months of quarantine, most people seem ready to get back to a normal
routine and not be continually confined to home. With the warm weather upon us, it's time to
get out into some fresh air and sunshine.
We need some vitamin D. We are
used to taking walks, riding bikes, playing and watching outdoor sports, enjoying
barbecues and cookouts, going to the beach, etc. and not staring at the four
walls of some room. We are not meant to
be continually locked up.
I hope that you feel the same way—restless—about not being able to get to Mass. The words of St. Augustine seem appropriate
at this time: . . . our hearts are restless until they rest in Thee. Sadly, a significant number of Catholics were
not regular in their Mass attendance prior to the coronavirus pandemic. Now that the situation has proven not as bad as it could have been, I
wonder what Mass attendance will look like in the weeks and months ahead? Will we have a greater hunger for the Bread of Life?
I have been offering a "private" daily Mass,
usually at one of the side altars in St. Patrick Church or in our rectory
chapel. All of the announced (and some
unannounced) Mass intentions are being fulfilled by our priests. Mostly, Mass is being offered ad Deum (towards God) or ad orientem (facing liturgical east) and
not versus populum (facing the
people). The side altars and the original high altar of St. Patrick
Church had been constructed for Mass to be offered facing God. With people
technically absent, it makes no sense to face
the people during the Mass. (We do not
live-stream the daily Mass, only on Sunday.)
Truth be told, I have gained a greater appreciation for Mass
celebrated with the ancient ad orientem
orientation. Follow my thought process
for a moment. The priest is offering a
sacrifice to God (not to the people) so shouldn't the priest be facing in His direction (ad orientem)? The ancient tradition was to face east towards the rising sun which would
bring to mind the rising (Resurrection)
of the Son of God and await His Second
Coming. While many churches are not
necessarily built facing east, the priest can still face liturgical east when offering Mass.
While some have referenced this orientation as the priest having his back to the people, actually the
priest and people are facing a common direction towards God. It was only
about a half-century ago that the priest began facing the people during
Mass. For centuries, this was not the
During the past 50 years, so many beautiful high altars in
churches were dismantled or destroyed.
They were replaced by less attractive table-like altars, mostly in the
name of liturgical reform. Thankfully, our high altar and our side
altars at St. Patrick remain essentially the same as they were when the church
was constructed (1909). Despite my
sadness of not having the regular congregation present at Mass, a small
blessing was being able to offer Mass at the beautiful high altar during Holy Week and at
the similarly beautiful side altars—especially the Blessed Virgin Mary side—during the month of
I await the day when you will once again join me at Mass!
Fr. Ed Namiotka
ReplyDeleteThank you, I would love this at my Mass.