Tuesday, December 17, 2019

New Year's Resolutions

Dear Parishioners,

Every year many people make one or more New Year’s resolutions which they may or may not keep.

In an attempt to put these resolutions in a spiritual light, I make the following twenty suggestions for your consideration.  I do not think that it is wise to try to tackle too many things at once but rather pick one or two that you might be able to incorporate successfully into your routine.

 Here’s my list:

·         Be faithful in Mass attendance weekly

·         Read a passage from the Bible each day

·         Say a daily Rosary

·         Visit an elderly relative, friend or neighbor on a regular basis (weekly or monthly?)

·         Volunteer to help at a Church activity or with some Church ministry

·         Go to Confession monthly

·       Send a card or make a call to someone who has recently lost a loved one

·         Audition for the Church choir

·      Make a visit to the Blessed Sacrament on First Fridays or some other time (Monday evening Eucharistic Adoration)

·         Invite someone to go to Church with you

·       Call the parish priest about something that you need to do to for your spiritual benefit (for example, investigate an annulment, complete any Sacraments that were not received, get some spiritual direction, etc.)

·         Purchase and read a Catholic spiritual book (perhaps a spiritual classic)

·         Stop gossiping

·         Take the time to listen carefully to someone

·      Be a good example to children (take them to Church, teach them to pray, talk to them about God, teach them to share, etc.)

·         Limit time in front of the TV or computer

·         Make an effort to smile more and complain less

·       Make a conscious effort to remind yourself daily that you are living in the presence of God

·         Thank Jesus every day

·         Pray for someone whom you do not like / Reconcile with someone from whom you are alienated 

Happy New Year and good luck!

Fr. Ed Namiotka